Monday, August 17, 2009

holiday mode

salam and hi to all,

i'm in a middle of my holidays right now n it seems F-U-N so far! heh~ how on earth can someone did not agree on that. ^_^

our class for resources ended with quite a satisfaction[for me] since i think i've managed to complete these 6 earlier weeks without any major problems! YEAH! coming to class that morning was different from other days since i will be officially on holidays after the class ended. so, my mind was not really in class and i want to take a deepest apology from pn foziah if it ever happen to me that i did not really paid attention to her in class...hehehehe...SORRY MA'AM! =p

before she started the class, she asked us whether we have already knew about the e-book that we have to do from the other group or not and we said yes, we already knew it. of course the info about the e-book was long have been told by them since we practiced this culture called the 'sharing' community =p...hehe...don't worry ma'am, we are all sharing-caring person if its got to do with studies and all [for certain subjects n topics only] huhuhuhuhuhu ^_^

pn foziah started off her lecture with something regarding the e-book that we will have to do. there were many guidance and ideas that we can do to make our e-book more interesting and fun [and all that brings the same meaning!] and i was quite captivated by the idea that we have to develop an e-book for kids to be used in class and it can be anything- storybook, nursery rhymes, riddles, songs or anything and quoting pn foziah, the sky is the limit!

the e-book that we developed must suits with our target audience and that we have to be very careful when choosing the best pictures, font, font size, colours or templates to be inserted in the story t make it livelier and attractive enough for the children. once i got the picture on how it would be and the idea to do that, SNAP! i feel very excited and can't wait to do that! and the excitement to go home was like..go away for a moment..hehe...[a bit exaggeration here] =p

after the lecture, she gave us time to develop our own idea regarding the e-book thingy and we should show the idea first before we can go home.. OMG, this is really torturing me...and this made me have to 'dig' for my creativity again which is nowhere to be found! but at last, i managed to get the idea and showed it to her, at first she said that my story was quite constant without any climax and this will not attract students to read it further so i changed the idea a bit and luckily, she accepted it and asked me to proceed with the idea. i was so happy since now i can go home with a relieved face...heh~ and after that, the beginning of the development of the e-book...

i bet everyone is busy doing their e-ook and the video for technology class now and i just want to wish



till then,

salam and bye bye bye

p/s: before that, i just want to wish [wish lagi..heh~]

SELAMAT MENYAMBUT RAMDHAN AL-MUBARAK to pn foziah, my beloved cohortmates, friends, all lecturers and not forgetting, all readers!


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